What is Reforestation?

What is Reforestation?
Reforestation is defined as the process of re-growing more trees that have been depleted or cut down from any sort of reason.
Why Reforestation is important in Gurgaon, India?
Reforestation is so important to our ecosystem because trees purify the air, water, and soil, A mature dense leafy green tree produces as much oxygen in a season as 10 people inhale in a year. we as humans could not exist without trees and we need more and more trees to live and breathe. This is the reason why reforestation is so important.
What is the main problem in Gurgaon?
- Less number of trees.
- Large pollution.
- Dense pollutants partial in air.
- Poor quality of the soil.
- Waterlogging and water pollution
Is there any solution?
The answer is big yes!!!!! But then we need to do some effort and some hard work like:-
- Adopt an old or per-grown tree (water them or care them) near your house, office, workshop, etc
- Plant more and more new trees near you.
- Grow more and more plants in your home or house
- Try to clean your surrounding
- Try to clean the park near you or your society
- The easiest way – Donate to Us
Why Donate to us?
- We are registered under the Haryana society act
- One Step Towards Peace (OSTP) has a large team of volunteers and young environment lovers
- We had adopted 130+ park of all over India
- OSTP Usually plant trees in cities (Especially in parks and roadside)
- We usually plant the fruit trees like [ Shahtoot (Mulberry) tree, Jamun (Java Plum) Trees, etc
- OSTP provide transparency with your money
- Whole OSTP team accept donation online only
- After successfully receiving the donation, Our team always sends a confirmation receipt Mail/SMS/Whatsapp online to the doner.
- OSTP also gives the chance to the doner to provide the name the tree for which he/she donated.
- We provide the certificate of reorganization on your mail
- You can track your tree on google map also
If you want to know more about “What is Reforestation? “then you can contact us through mail our mail ID is care@onesteptowardspeace.com
This world requires your unconditional support. Please Donate 1 ₹ (INR) for a good cause.