Top 9 Trees That Grow In India

Top 9 Trees That Grow In India

Trees That Grow In India

 India is a rich country in terms of varieties of plants, trees, herbs, and shrubs. There are lots and lots of types of trees that can easily grow in India. So here is the list of  Top 9 Trees That Grow In India.


1. Banyan Tree

The banyan tree is the most familiar and famous shade-giving tree in our country India. Interestingly, it originated in India itself. These Indian trees have the largest canopy coverage in India. Not many people know but the banyan tree is also the national tree of India. 

Scientific name Ficus Benghalensis
Sanskrit name वट / VATT
Hindi Name बरगद का पेड़ / Bargad
Trees That Grow in India

How to recognize it?

The leaves look like those of a fig tree. If you pluck a leaf, a white sticky liquid is visible.

2. Neem tree

It is grown in both tropical and sub-tropical regions. Neem has endless medicinal properties and that’s what makes it popular in India. It is used to control pests and deal with poxviruses. Neem is a major ingredient in soaps and shampoos and is healthy for our skin. It is one of the best trees to plant near the house in India.

Scientific name Azadirachta indica 
Sanskrit name Pakvakrita, nimbaka
Hindi Name नीम / Neem
Trees That Grow in India

How to recognize it?

It is slightly difficult to spot the real neem tree because the chinaberry tree looks quite similar to it. It has a strong smell and its flowers are pale white in colour, and grow from March to May. Its leaves grow in pairs along a long common stem.

3. Peepal tree

The peepal tree falls in the category of dry season deciduous or semi-evergreen tree. This is one of those rare trees of India that release oxygen both in the day and the night.

Scientific name Ficus Religiosa
Sanskrit name बोधिवृक्ष
Hindi Name पीपल का पेड़
Trees That Grow in India

How to recognize it?

The leaves of this tree are heart-shaped with an extended drip tip.

4. Arjuna tree

Arjuna tree is generally found around river beds. It is not difficult to spot one. Arjuna exhibits yellow flowers from March to June. It has a woody fibrous fruit that appears between September and November.

Scientific name Terminalia arjuna
Sanskrit name Arjuna
Hindi Name Arjun
Trees That Grow in India

How to recognize it?

The woody fruit has five wings and is possibly the most unique looking fruit. If you see it, you can guess this Indian tree’s name easily.

5. Sal Tree

Sal is one of the largest deciduous trees in India. The tree is native to the Indian sub-continent. The sal tree is hardly leafless. It is said that the tree provides good quality timber. Interestingly, the sal tree is worshipped by Hindus and Buddhists.

Scientific name Shorea Robusta 
Sanskrit name शाल
Hindi Name शाल
Trees That Grow in India

How to recognize it?

The leaves of the sal tree are ovate-oblong in shape. Their texture is rough and they have a peculiar shine on their upper surface.

6. Gulmohar tree

Gulmohar is most famous for its pretty looking flowers. In India, its flowering season is between April and June. Spotting this Indian tree is quite easy as it grows in dry as well as tropical conditions. This shade-giving tree expands and offers a dense canopy. The flowers of this tree are large and orange-red in color.

Scientific name Delonix Regia 
Sanskrit name Siddhesvara
Hindi Name गुलमोहर/ Waykaran, Samrsro
Trees That Grow in India

How to recognize it?

Its leaves are doubly pinnate. Each leaf is approximately 40 cm long and has 20-40 pairs of primary leaflets that are feathery in appearance and bright, light green in colour.

7. Indian Mahogany

In India, these trees are mainly found in Thattekkad Wildlife Sanctuary, Kaziranga Wildlife Sanctuary and Corbett National Park. The trunk of this tree is used to make furniture and musical instruments.

Scientific name Swietenia mahagoni
Sanskrit name Mahogani
Hindi Name Mahogani
Trees That Grow in India

How to recognize it?

The tree is generally 30-40 feet in height. Its fruit resembles a large greenish capsule and its wood is red-brown in colour.

8. Curry tree

The curry tree is a tropical to the sub-tropical tree and is native to India and Sri Lanka. Its leaves are widely used in south Indian dishes because of their strong aroma.

Scientific name Murraya koenigii
Sanskrit name कालशाकः
Hindi Name Kari patta करी पत्ता
Trees That Grow in India

How to recognize it?

It is a small tree growing up to 6 metres. Its leaves are pinnate and have 11-21 leaflets. The plant produces small white flowers that self pollinate and produce small black berries.

9. Ashoka Tree

Ashoka tree is a rain-forest tree and is abundantly found in the central areas of the Deccan plateau and in parts of the Western Ghats. This tree is an evergreen one and is known for its foliage and fragrant flowers. Its leaves are dark green in colour and grow in bunches.

Scientific name Saraca asoca
Sanskrit name Ashoka, Gandhapushpa, Ashok
Hindi Name Ashoka
Trees That Grow in India

How to recognize it?

Its leaves grow in dense clusters and are pointed from the top. The flowering season is February to April. The flowers grow in heavy bunches as well. They are bright yellow and orange in color.

Top 9 Trees That Grow In India