The Interaction of Society and Nature as a System

We as a society interact towards nature and together we make a paramount ecosystem. We are depending upon each other for our survival. In fact we humans are highly vulnerable and insecure when it comes towards our existence and sustainability.
We take everything from our surroundings only such as- water, air and food for our growth and development as well as timber, soil and other raw materials for our shelter and other basic necessities. Almost all the complex compounds are developed from simpler elements which we often see in this current world; all the activities involving- mining, quarrying, fishing, and agriculture come from the environment only. It’s a type of mutual relationship between us and Mother Environment.

There is a requirement to understand that both nature and we are in a complexive adaptive system existing because of years of evolutionary proceeds and reactions. Though we humans are exploiting nature and its advantages, nature still bounces back the same. What we do is what we receive in return. There are practical illustrations too. A toxic water body comes back as toxicity in food chain and river,sea and ocean itself; garbage which we throw recklessly, returns to us; deforestation is the main cause of global warming; too much of chlorofluorocarbon is forming hole in ozone layer which is now the very major reason for numerous skin diseases and fatal diseases such as- cancer too; presence of huge amount of carbon dioxide and other gaseous substances in air is forming pollution which is ultimately affecting us. These are some of the impacts that we experience for misusing and taking for granted the things that nature has gifted to us. And there is a requirement to change this attitude.
Harming the environment not only affects nature or us, it damages the whole ecosystem. Why is it that few ecosystems get destroyed? Why is it that plenty of species are on the verge of extinction? Why do we get amazed when we see rare flora and fauna which wasn’t the case till the finalized century? Why is it rare in the first place itself? The one and major reason is us only.

Interacting least and least with nature can cause the interrelation and interdependence, which in turn, will develop a major impact on all of us. A time when nature will become evil against being a friend and that too savagely. We will beg for politeness, so don’t let this day come. Take some steps now, try to understand the mutual bonding of us with the environment; tell society about the pros and cons; respect it as much as you can.
This system can only Sustainable if we agree to provide and take equal advantages from nature; if we respect nature because it is feeding us; but if we simply return sincerely what we have taken; if we repair and mend the causes that have occurred to nature. It doesn’t matter if nature can replenish itself after some time; we should do our part as the rate of replenishment is very lower than the rate of destruction. The world would be the best place if we follow the above conditions.