International Legal Protection Of The Environment

Environmental laws are developed to control natural resources and the environment. The ‘natural resources’ and ‘environmental quality’ involve areas like:- air and water pollution , forests and wildlife, hazardous waste, agricultural practices, wetlands and land usage planning. International environmental law is a body of international law taking quick action to protect the environment, primarily via bilateral and multilateral international agreements.
Day by day increasing Global and regional environmental matters are subjected to international law.

Customary International law
Customary International law is a significant source of international environment law. These are the rules and regulations that countries consider as a matter of custom and they also force the state to Pursue it.
Numerous legally binding international agreements encompassing a wide variety of issues areas, from terrestrial, marine and atmospheric pollution toto wildlife and biodiversity protection. Protocols are subsidiary agreements produced from a primary treaty. They exist in various areas of international law but are especially beneficial in the environmental field, where they may be applied to daily incorporate current scientific knowledge. The highest widely known protocol in international environmental law is the Kyoto Protocol, which pursued from the United Nations Framework Convention on climate change.

International Environmental Law
International Environmental Law Covers various areas of the environment and is significantly designed for protecting and improving the environment as a whole. Environmental laws are not developed at a local and national level in the UK but also at European community level and international level too. It is understandable that as climate change and other environmental issues are being witnessed on a global scale, countries must have to come together to tackle them. International conventions have been developed that, must countries agree to be a part of, would create be culpable if they were shown to be dropping under the types of the agreement.

There are various areas of the environment that require protection and this is why local, national and international Environmental Laws have been established. Air pollution, climate change and waste management are only a few areas which will be governed by their own laws.
The United Nations convened the first important international conference on the environment, the United Nations conference on the Human Environment (UNCHE), in Stockholm, Sweden, in 1972. In addition to environmental matters, the UNCHE also suggested the related issues of sustainable development.
In 1982, the United Nations opened the United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea for signatures. UNCLOS is the first international agreement relating the use and protection of the oceans. In 1983, the United Nations General Assembly convened the United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development, the Brundtland Commission.