Contamination of Drinking Water

We need always to cherish what quenches our thirst. But do we always realize that? No, we don’t. Or otherwise, we won’t be coming over the news of water contamination and shortages. Whatever comes free, we take it for granted. Just the same way, we think water is infinite and never lasts so we waste it and use it Wastefully. And the most reckless thing that we perform is to contaminate it.
Water gets contaminated through various ways. Like uncured waste from tanning industry; river dumping; agricultural pollution such as:- complex chemicals which are applied to fertilizers; pollution from oil factories; agricultural waste; sewage; radioactive substances, etc. Is it the best way of returning favor to nature?

And it not only harms nature, it ultimately harms us. Water contamination forms diseases like Typhoid, Cholera, Paratyphoid Fever, Dysentery, Jaundice, Amoebiasis and Malaria and in some cases; it results in serious diseases like cancer too. It forms contamination in the food chain; destruction of biodiversity and sometimes causes a whole ecosystem; infant mortality; lack of potable water which is the most important thing for us especially for those who live in villages, their only source is the river.
Let’s experience some facts. About 2.5 billion people live without complete improved sanitation; water borne diseases are number one killer for children living at the age of five; 3.1% of deaths happen because of water contamination only; water species experience five times more extinction than terrestrial species; 70% of industrial waste in urban countries are disposed without curing properly, etc. So we should, at least by now, take this matter seriously or it’s going to affect us in the near future either this way and that way. And that day, it will be very late to restore it.
But every problem has got a solution too. We can pursue some measures in sequence to avoid water from getting contaminated. We must always dispose the waste carefully, tanning industry and oil/mining factories must cure the waste as it must; farmers must use green fertilizers and manuring instead of harmful chemicals; dumping of waste and immersion of idols at the time of festivals must be avoided; radioactive waste must be disposed of in an instructed manner. We must take care of all these things without any failure.

There is a need for the government to make strict laws relating to this. They should make it compulsory for factories to treat the waste; sewage and radioactive waste too should be given equal significance. They should motivate the use of green fertilizers and to remove the use of toxic compounds as much as they can; discourage immersing statues of idols in water bodies, etc.
But what can we perform for our safety? Here are some points. Drink water after boiling; try for installing a good quality water filter; reduce buying vegetables/meat from places where contamination is possible in food chain; buy water from a faithful place; make sure water that you are drinking is completely free of germs and pathogens; whenever you see contamination put awareness and talk to municipality about it.
Long story short, be a responsible citizen!