Energy sources are Degrading our precious Environment! The constant use of energy resources are hazardous!

Energy sources are Degrading our precious Environment! The constant use of energy resources are hazardous!

The two words ‘Environment’ and ‘Energy’ both begin with the alphabet ‘E’. Coincidentally, the two are even regarded as life on Earth and are important aspects for the lives of humans.But the two words do not make harmony with each other, the higher use of energy degrades the environment highly. Well, this article is to inform you about the hazardous effects of Energy on our precious environment. 

We all are very well concerned about the degradation of our nature day by day due to us, as well as other factors regarding the environment. The environment is changing dynamically and now it is also not at a negligible rate. Instead, it is faster than the previous time. In the previous time, hundreds of years ago, the change in temperature was happening but it was negligible so it was ignored. But now, the time has turned. Things are not the same as earlier. The rate at which the environment is changing is noticeable every year. And this adverse change in our environment is somehow contributed by the highly usage of energy resources by us, humans, in our daily life for our own sake of comfort. 

The energy sources and the environment are highly connected and tied into a thread. The production, consumption of energy definitely make a significant trend on the environment which is definitely not an optimistic one; a pessimistic one. The use of energy sources directly impacts various forms of pollution which involve water pollution, land pollution, thermal pollution, solid disposal waste, and the most essential air pollution. The pollution that is destroying the lives of millions per year is the results of our own work. 

Coal mining, Petroleum production, all these contributed towards  the degradation of our environment. When petrol is taken out from the crust, its particles either spread on the ground or swim in water which impacts pollution and destroys our nature. This practice has been done since ages, so it is very difficult for us, humans, to remove the practices, but it has been the time to do something to limitize the adverse effects of these energy sources and to come to those energy sources that have the least negative impact on the environment. One such illustration is solar energy which is being developed by us for numerous purposes rather than these excess harmful energy sources. Wind Energy can also be the best source to create energy. 

Coal mining also impacts water pollution. It even destroys the groundwater. It also develops a lot of eradication of earth’s soil along with coal. Solid wastes are also a resultant of the energy resources.

One of the significant energy resources which we use in our regular life involves:- fossil fuels which emit those glasses that proved to be a catastrophe for our environment. These fossil fuels have been in usage since ages. Their combustion impacts the adaptation of air pollutants that eventually impacts air pollution. The usage of it leads to climate change in the long run and we are witnessing it. Burning these fuels produces harmful gasses such as:- methane, carbon dioxide and more which in turn increases the proportion of Greenhouse gasses in our atmosphere eventually impacting global warming.

The terms such as:- Global Warming, Climate Change, might not be dangerous for everyone, but if you know what are the eventual end of these a least letter words, you will definitely be awarded in bringing these in manage to save at least our planet earth which let us stay on its land and usage its water. The earth that provides us air to breathe, food to eat, let’s save it by trying to use a lesser energy source.