Fast and the Fruitious!

Fast-growing trees indicate that it will produce fruit in the first year of planting .Trees which are easily fruited without the application of heavy fertilizers are mostly used by the people for growing in their home.
Guava trees are propagated by seeds, branch cuttings and the grafting process. Guava trees are growing very fast when they are seriously cared for. It requires full sun and it can’t withstand very much heat. The new leaves of guava begin growing in the spring. Fruits mature in 2-4 months after the flowers start blooming.

It is highly called naval. Summer is the season for Jamun in India. These fruits need well-drained soil, dryer temperature, sunny spots and a large amount of water for cultivation .You can propagate it from the seeds of the fruit .The fruit has numerous antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral properties.

Papaya is called a fast-growing tree .Papaya trees blooming throughout the year. there should be a constant supply of fruits. Depending upon the condition, a single papaya tree provides 30 to 150 fruits per year.

The banana trees took approximately 3 to 6 months to grow. It is cultivated from spring to the summer. Banana is a cluster type fruit which takes place in a single stalk .Each stem will start producing only one bunch of bananas . After this it can be cut off and allow new stems to grow.

The pomegranate trees are growing within five to seven months. It requires a full sun. The more sun the tree gets, the more fruits it will receive. It must be watered every 10 days. pomegranate has a highly strength capacity of about 7 months.