Environmental Education

Is Environmental Education we are receiving lacking somewhere? Where’s the problem lies with the educations related to Environment?
The concept of Environment and crucial things related to it is a must to become aware of concepts in today’s world where our planet is destroying at extreme levels and the natural resources are dissming day by day. But, are these books on Environmental Education helpful? Even if every student is aware about Environmental issues from a very young age, why is the condition of Earth degrading simultaneously. Scroll down to be aware of what’s the matter!

What is lacking in the Environmental Education?
The children are taught about the essentials of Environment and the necessity of protecting it in their primary classes. Yet, all these teachings are not proving to be helpful to protect the environment that people have been taught since childhood.
Well, if we analyze there are numerous problems that hold back Environmental Education.

1. The Misleading Information in the textbook:
Well, most of the textbooks we have used to get aware about the environment are based upon the environmental movements and tell us only one side of the story.
The textbooks highly cover the sufferings of the environment and never show the scientific knowledge which is beneficial and essential at the same time as the knowledge of Environment. The textbooks are set in such a way as if they are preparing the children for a predetermined goal. Many concepts discussed in the textbooks are not always the appropriate step when it comes to protecting the environment. Facts or Myths such as- ‘Pesticides are always bad’,
‘Recycling is always the best option’ and many more.’
The text books are prepared in such a way that they compel children to perform all those things that are discussed on the books and for forcing their parents to do so such as- recycling the things always despite the cost.
It is not in a way that the books are always giving misleading information, they provide a sense of awareness among the children to think seriously about nature and our surroundings. It helps students to get aware about the problems related to things.
2. Too much Pressure of Exam:
At present times, students are facing a high burden of the syllabus to cover up. Meanwhile, the pressure of environmental education highly leads them to mug up things discussed in their textbooks and to eventually overlook the necessity of what is being written there.
3. Lack of Practical Experience:
The children are not exposed towards the practical fields to expand the real sense of environment and environmental problems, hence, they are only aware about what’s there in the book. And most of them have no idea about anything exclude what the news channels and people’s words such as- ‘Pollution are Increasing which is harmful to the planet’.
4. Lack of Investment in Environmental Education:
Sustainable amount of investment is not performed when it comes to Environmental Education which holds it back. Also, because of the focus on other fields, the necessity of Environmental Education has vanished somewhere.
Aforementioned are the very least problems regarding Environmental Education in Today’s world. However, with a little focus, we are bringing out a big change in this field.