Three Ways to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle

Whosoever began the 3R principle started it with a good cause which can apply almost everywhere. It advantages the environment and environment, in turn, advantages us. Following are the ways that can be considered practically applying the Reduce, Reuse and Recycle principle.
- Use least amount of packaged products: Utilize Products that have got least packaging, least usage of cellophane tape and other coverings. Use notebooks with thin pages and lesser margins; avoid applying and wasting papers for fun. Search Alternatives for plastic bags like a cloth bag.
- Increase the usage of existing products: Don’t throw away the items without using them completely, read instructions and optimize the product up to complete extent. Consume food items nicely and wear clothes till they are completely of no use; use metallic products till it becomes toxic; use highly durable products, etc.
- Share things instead of purchasing individually:If there’s a requirement to buy two packets of chips then buy one with extra quantity; buy books that are used previously; use old clothes as mop.Buy consumption products as an aggregation and in bulk; apply emails in the place of bulletin boards/notices; at school and office, make two-sided copies.

- Use items which can be refilled, like:- Wield pens that can be refilled; reusable plastic bottles; taken in use of same foil wrapper two times; change oneself toward menstrual cup uses instead of sanitary pads; use solar power in instead of one time use battery; use ceramics rather than plastics.
- Repair items rather than buying new ones: If a toy is damaged, repair it if you can; develop new skills and purchase tools to help yourself, do not make yourself a frequent buyer of every little thing. If some accessory breaks, try to fix it by your own and rejoin it; make the use of ball bearings and frictionless materials to reduce wear and tear.
- Donate your old items instead of putting them in the dustbin :If your books are of no use, donate it to poor kids rather than burning it or throwing it; you can donate your old clothes to your servant who’s in need to make something out of it. In case you no longer have interest in any material that you bought earlier then gift it to someone else who wants it rather than wasting it.

- Develop good habits of recycling:Throw recyclable items in the recycle bin only, separate the waste to do the task easier. Read the instructions carefully while purchasing anything. Purchase biodegradable items as much as you can. Develop the practice of vermi-composting. Use natural fertilizers instead of harmful chemicals.
- Disposal of electronic waste carefully: Manage electronic waste carefully. Old bulbs, mobile phones, gadgets, motherboard and parts, dead batteries, no matter how damaged it may seem, put electronic dustbins only. If you do not have the complete knowledge of something then read guidelines about it.
- Try to recycle items on your own: If you can recycle paper, then do it on your own, make fancy things out of it. Utilize old and clean tetra packs, cans and bottles to put items in. Use an induction cooker rather than fire. Every time you visit the market, keep in mind to purchase only eco-friendly products.

It’s safe to say that the above measures are beneficial as well as helpful for us and our mother nature. Motivate people and adopt it yourself too…