Benefits of Native Tree Plantation

“When you have only two money left in the world, purchase a loaf of bread with one, and a lily with the other.” Beginning with the above lines, it itself tells a very about what trees mean and what a world would be if humans don’t plant. Trees serve enormous benefits for animals and people in numerous ways, whether it be ecological, social or economical and a mixture of all three. However, planting a native species of plant or trees provides benefits above and beyond as compared to non-native species.

Trees Role in Contemporary Times
In respect to situation we are going via whether it be outbreak of deadly COVID-19 to the economic hardships we are experiencing in the contemporary times, being a rationalist we must try for associating the role of plants and trees and how it played a small but an important part and by performing that, we will probably a big question why plant a tree? Firstly, ecologically, trees literally play an essential function that helps animals and people to continue to live.

Trees trap pollutants that impact the greenhouse effects like- carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide and dust particles as well. Trees limit erosion by holding water and slowing rainfall, they release moisture into the air, and cool the air by intercepting and diffusing the sun’s rays. Trees moreover serve as food shelter for wildlife. Secondly, socially, trees serve beauty, environmental awareness, inspire civic pride and ultimately have a positive effect on the human psyche. Third and the highest prominent, economically trees serve savings in energy of renewable and non-renewable sources.
Native Trees
In an layman language, a native trees is a species of plant diversity that was producing more before any phenomena that impact to loss of that trees, like industrialization, Natural calamities, etc outcomes in the introduction of numerous invasive alien species(Buckthorns, loosestrife and maple for example) have importantly reduced the number of standing native trees lasting in an devastating effect on local ecology. Plantation of native trees and plants helps to rebuild the real ecosystem of that particular region. Native species of trees and plants build natural corridors in the urban areas for wildlife which are migrating in nature, thus in the absence of the native trees these migrating wildlife aren’t able to associate their habitat and thus they become exploited and require food and shelter increases. Native trees shed leaves much older as compared to the non-native trees species, significant impact of this was on the short height trees as a outcome, sunlight was unable for reaching to them, thus hindering the growth of the short trees.

Native trees indeed are the best suited to grow in the area rather than an alien species(Non-native Species), as they are well habituated to the climate and soil and once planted, need less fertilizer and water than of alien species. This will be a significant feature in order to economically sound by protecting finance on fertilizers and conserving the environment by saving excess water and keeping the region chemical free. Another major benefit of native trees is that they have been growing along the insect population thus have created natural immunity and defenses to fight numerous pests, making them resistant for infestations of diseases and pests.
From the above referred to act we can properly say native trees must be preferred to non-native ones, due to it playing a major role in maintaining the economical as well as environmental aspect. Thus, the practice of planting of non-native trees seems a vast -too way of planting, but it has important long term effects in our life and can be seen as sustainable development.