Contact Info
Email: kalpana1458@gmail.com
Phone: +91 9910***458
Kalpana Kashyap
Bachelor Of Engineering, Information Technology , MDU
Master Of Arts, Public Administration, IGNOU
Miss Kalpana Kashyap is an Environmentalist from the cyber city Gurgaon, India. She is a marketing professional with a deep knowledge of traditional marketing as well as Digital Marketing. She is an expert in the field of marketing analyzing, Buying Behaviour analysis, and Advertising.
Moreover, She possesses 4 years of working experience in the field of Marketing. Now, She is working as an Analyst in the wold’s leading organization, Google India.
She is an environment lover as well as the animal lover too. The one thing our OSTP team personally observes about her is that she is the strongest and bold personality of our entire OSTP society.
If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere.