Helping Mysore

Helping Mysore

  • Campaign: #Donate_For_Mysore
  • Status: In Progress
  • Location: Mysore
  • People Feeds Daily: Approx: 250

Helping the country in fighting COVID-19 is itself a noble task. Feeding the hungry and poor people in lockdown is not an easy task

Meet Chandan Rao

Chandan Rao is a man from Mysore. He is an environment lover as well as the person with a big and bold heart because without thinking twice about his own health he himself distributing masks and feeding other needy people.

He himself not only donated his own hard-earned money and also raising a huge fund individually for helping the other needy people.

You can also help him

He is a member of our society OneStepTowardsPeace (OSTP) since from a long time. He is one of the Reliable & Experienced person in our OSTP society. So you can donate money directly to him without any doubt.

  • Anyone who is willing to contribute 1₹ to 1,000₹ for needy people.

  • You Can pay By Google pay too on  9540672377. ( Akhil Upadhyay OSTP )

#fightagainstcoronavirus #Donate_For_Mysore