Helping Gurgaon

Helping Gurgaon

  • Campaign: #Help_The_Animals
  • Status: Always In Progress
  • Location: Gurgaon
  • Feeds Daily: Approx: 12 Dogs

Helping the country in fighting COVID-19 is itself a noble task. Feeding the hungry and poor people in lockdown is not an easy task

Meet Mr. Akhil Upadhyay

Akhil Upadhyay is a man from Gurgaon, Haryana. He is an environment lover as well as an Advertising Manager at Asterisk Serve with superior Traditional as well as Digital marketing knowledge. Also, He is a huge animal lover and he used to donate 15% of his salary for the animal care organization every month. He and his mother feed the dogs on a daily bases (from 9 years).

He just wants to request us all, to feed the needy and nearby animals and birds.