Nature Walk

All over us, we see it daily,but it is difficult to observe it. Ever since the dawn of time we were surprised with its presence. A walk with nature is everything that one requires as a reminder of their responsibilities towards this life. You get the opportunity for connecting with nature which we hardly do in today’s work life.

Imagine an aquatic animal without water, can it survive ? Now, imagine a world without trees, can we survive ?
We get to be more aware about the species and their tendencies, the facts, activities, and their importance in life. A walk in nature can provide you the little dose of wilderness you require to freshen your spirits. It’s an ideal place to award nature’s tranquility and subtle gifts. In your lifetime you will listen to people talking of going to the amazingly green hill stations. They do so as they miss that in very busy cities and towns. And that is why planting more and more trees has started with creating a green city itself, so there will be no need to go to the other areas,you will get it around you. This initiative by Green areas will certainly help us tune with nature.